+44 (0) 1628 631111 


Below lists the current status of services delivered by Relocation Support. In most instances we are still able to provide a full service, albeit with some differences in how this is done.  
We wil continue to monitor and keep the below updated as we see changes in the market. 
RSS continually update our processes to ensure we are compliant with government guidelines, and are keeping our clients and staff safe at all times. 
Click the services listed below to show more information 


All arrivals to the UK must have proof of a negative COVID test taken within 72 hours of travel. 
All arrivals to the UK must quarantine for 10 days 
Depending on the country you are travelling from, you may need to book into a quarantine hotel for this 10 day period. This applies to countries on the government’s red list. 
Where this is the case, you must book and pay for your quarantine hotel before travel. 
All arrivals must take a COVID test on day 2 and day 8 after arrival. 
Further information and guidance can be found here
Orientation services are more limited as RSS's consultants cannot transport assignees in their vehicles 
Where possible, orientation services can be done on foot to allow for social distancing 


RSS will still conduct full market research as normal 
Virtual viewings will be arranged prior to physically viewings where possible 
Assignees will be asked to specify which of those viewed virtually they want to view physically 
RSS consultants cannot transport assignees in their vehicles, so assignees will require alternate transport. RSS will discuss the best solution with assignees on a case by case basis, including whether viewing days can be carried out on foot where this is feasible. 
There may be limits on the number of people allowed to attend a viewing  
There may be limits on how many people can enter a property at one time 
Lease negotiations are unaffected and can continue in the normal way with no disruption 
The check-in may be staggered to allow different parties to enter the property on different days or at different times 
Any snagging issues will be dealt with as normal with full support from our office based team 


Installations are generally still possible, but there may be delays 
Support from internet providers may be slower than expected 
In-branch appointments are limited, but otherwsie the process of opening a bank account is unaffected. 


There may still be disruption or delays to the application and admission process 
School viewings will not be possible  
Applications can usually be made for future admissions as normal, and will be handled remotely 
School viewings may not be possible 


RSS can support with ending tenancies as usual 
RSS can support with all preparations prior to the tenancy ending as normal 
Property cleaning can still be carried out without disruption 
The check-out may be staggered to allow different parties to enter the property on different days or at different times 
RSS will not physically meet clients at the property but will instead stagger our attendance and/or provide additional virtual support  
All post check out follow up, including deposit negotiation and return will be carried out by RSS as normal 
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